
キャリル・チャーチル"Top Girls"のフェミニズム(3)

女優ルー・ウェイクフィールドのコメント(Session 4)
Top Girls is a feminist play in that it's self-criticism of the women's movement...
Some women are succeeding and getting on very well, but it's no good if feminism means that women get on and tread on men's heads, or other women's heads, as hard as men ever tread on theirs.
If women do get the top jobs, there's also a job to be done in reassessing that job in feminist or humanitarian terms.



Elaine Astonの批評(Session4)
The kind of questions that Churchill asks through her theater reflect her feminist and socialist viewpoints, but allied to her interrogative, political mode of writing is her experimental approach to dramatic and theatrical form. Churchill's theater is not jest a question of politics, but a politics of style.
